As a humanistic counsellor, I offer a non-judgemental, empathic space. I am client led and trauma-informed in my approach. I work from a place of wholeness, always assuming that, as long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than wrong with you. I work consciously with clients from a variety of background and life experiences. I am committed to uncovering the ways in which culturally embedded power dynamics show up within me. I am gender, sexuality and relationship diversity affirmative.

For me, the relationship is key, and an initial session would be a chance for us to feel whether I’m the right person for you. I love the Anne Lamott quote: ‘My mind is a bad neighbourhood that I try not to go into alone’. I don’t have all the answers, but I can be by your side as you visit some difficult places. And who knows, maybe some unexpected and joyful places too.

I see clients at New Road Psychotherapy in central Brighton on Mondays and in a comfortable practice room near Lewes train station on Thursdays

BACP membership no: 00952461


Bonnie Badenoch - The Practice of Being Present - 2023 - ongoing

Somatic Experiencing 3 year professional training - 2022 - ongoing

Bonnie Badenoch - Nurturing the Heart with the Brain in Mind - 2022

Pg Dip Humanistic Psychotherapeutic Counselling - University of Brighton - 2021

Cruse Bereavement Training - 2019


£60 per 50 minute session

£30 places are offered at my Lewes practice to clients in receipt of any amount of Universal Credit, Housing Benefit or other means tested benefits.

I offer a free 30 minute initial video or telephone consultation.




Trauma Workshops